Der volkssprachige Wortschatz der Leges barbarorum

Literatur Grahn-Hoek, Heike: The Thuringi, the Peculiarities of Their Law, and Their Legal Relations to the Gentes of Their Time, Chiefly According to the Lex (Angliorum et Werinorum hoc est) Thuringorum and the Other Leges barbarorum of the Early Middle Ages

Autor Grahn-Hoek, Heike
Titel The Thuringi, the Peculiarities of Their Law, and Their Legal Relations to the Gentes of Their Time, Chiefly According to the Lex (Angliorum et Werinorum hoc est) Thuringorum and the Other Leges barbarorum of the Early Middle Ages
Weitere bibliographische Angaben in: Fries-Knoblach, Janine und Heiko Steuer (Hrsg.): The Baiuvarii and Thuringi. An Ethnographic Perspective, 2014, Woodbridge: Boydell Press
Fundstelle S. 289-315